Thursday, January 31, 2008

Weather Report, B and Q

Hmm, lets envisage the scenario.

You're 61 years old, up in lovely Braemar on hols in January, huddled in the bar of the Fife Arms Hotel, (which is not in Fife incidently, but a rather nice watering hole none-the-less), it's pissing with rain/sleet/snow and gusting 50 m.p.h. and worse to follow according to the news.
What do you reckon tomorrows plans should be? Nice breakfast followed by a trip to the pond to feed the ducks, a warm bowl of broth at the heritage centre restuarant, return to the Arms for a soothing Drambuie and a game of cribbage?

No, lets go climb a bloody mountain. . Why oh why do they do it.
50 rescuers later, oh, and a dog, our heroic 51 year old was eventualy retrieved, by the dog as it happens.

What cost stupidity

I wonder, if he had been entitled to a 10% discount (due in 4 years time), at his local DIY store, he may have stayed at home and built a bookcase instead.

He did however get a free helicopter jaunt...

All credit to the rescue teams who have to combat against stupidity year after year.

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