Sunday, October 14, 2007

Norwich Union

Yesterday, two things of note happened. The first, is Scotland thrashed the Ukranians, much of which I needed to re-view this morning as due to the memory draining effects of numerous beers, I seem to have little recall of the afternoons festivities. This was the good part.

The bad was a renewal notice from Norwich Union for my dearly departed Transit Van. Should anyone from Norwich Union stumble upon this site, I'm the one that you wouldn't cough up on when my vehicle had a slight mishap. Well okay, agreed it wasn't exactly slight. So, I pass on this snippet of knowledge. Under no circumstances lend your vehicle to a member of the Sri Lankan government whilst he is being actively targetted for assasination by the Tamil Tigers, as N.W. take a very dim view of this, (and yes, it's in the small print under civil wars). Also the vehicle inspector would have had to negotiate his/her way through swamp and jungle to assess the damage, which primarily consisted of a few magazine clips spewed forth from an AK47.

So, how did this van find it's way to Sri Lanka. This is primarily the fault of the Spanish police, as due to the fact I was attempting to smuggle drugs into Spain via Gibralter, (for drugs, read aspirin, bandages, antiseptics etc) which was to be shipped to Lanka post Tsunami, I was refused re-entry to get back home to Costa del Crime, therefore my only options were to either dump the aid medicines or to ship the 'drugs' complete with Ford packaging on the next available vessel sailing east. The good news is, I have a new van and will be visiting Churchill.
I wonder, do Norwich Union do house insurance?

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